SEED Library

Evidence-based insights into eco-inclusive business models and contributions to sustainable development.

Sustainable Local Procurement | Policy Brief Indonesia

Published: 01 December 2022Authors: Ade Afrilian, Camilla Shearman, Ivy Londa, Rizky Anugrah
The involvement of local MSMEs that provide sustainable goods and services in government procurement systems can drive the transition to a sustainable economy, provide job opportunities and local economic development, and accelerate the recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. Read more

Sustainable Local Procurement | Policy Brief Indonesia (Bahasa Indonesia)

Published: 01 December 2022Authors: Ade Afrilian, Camilla Shearman, Ivy Londa, Rizky Anugrah
Keterlibatan UMKM lokal yang menyediakan barang dan jasa berkelanjutan dalam sistem pengadaan barang dan jasa pemerintah dapat mendorong transisi menuju perekonomian berkelanjutan, memberikan lapangan kerja dan pengembangan ekonomi lokal, serta mempercepat pemulihan dari pandemi Covid-19 Read more

Penguatan Pasar Hijau Lokal dengan Menghubungkan Pengadaan dengan Perusahaan Berkelanjutan | Naskah Lanskap Kebijakan Indonesia

Published: 05 October 2021Authors: Andrés Olarte Peña, Camilla Shearman, Derisko Malayu Putra, Gita Syahrani, Ivy Londa, Ristika Putri
Pemerintah Indonesia telah memberikan penekanan yang kuat pada pengembangan ekonomi lokal di seluruh negeri, dan telah menempatkan langkah-langkah penting untuk menyelaraskan pengeluaran pemerintah untuk pengadaan dengan prioritas ini. Bersamaan dengan kampanye #BanggaBuatanIndonesia untuk mendorong minat dan permintaan barang dan jasa produksi dalam negeri, Peraturan Presiden Nomor 12 Tahun 2021 tentang Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Pemerintah (“Peraturan 12/2021”) mewajibkan Kementerian, Lembaga, dan Pemerintah Daerah untuk menggunakan setidaknya 40% anggarannya untuk mendapatkan produk dalam negeri dari usaha mikro dan koperasi. Prioritas untuk mendukung usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah (UMKM) untuk mengakses pasar melalui belanja pemerintah berpotensi mendorong upaya pemulihan ekonomi di tingkat lokal dan nasional. Read more

Strengthening Local Green Markets by Linking Procurement and MSMEs | Policy Landscape Indonesia

Published: 28 September 2021Authors: Andrés Olarte Peña, Camilla Shearman, Derisko Malayu Putra, Gita Syahrani, Ivy Londa, Ristika Putri
The Indonesian government has placed a strong emphasis on the development of local economies across the country, and have put into place important steps to align government spending on procurement with this priority. Linking eco-inclusive MSMEs to public procurement opportunities can leverage the potential for MSMEs to drive local sustainable economic development through their growth. Read more

South Africa hosts worlds' new breed of entrepreneurs - environmental entrepreneurs

Published: 15 October 2007
The Winners of the 2007 SEED Awards arrived in Pretoria on Saturday, 13 October for the Annual Partnership Forum and a two day workshop Read more

Partnerships from Five Nations Receive “2007 SEED AWARDS” for Innovation in Local Sustainable Development

Published: 30 May 2007
Seed Awards 2007 recognize, support and encourage the delivery of innovative, local, partnership-based solutions to global challenges of environmental stewardship and poverty eradication. Read more

Davos: UNEP Executive Director announces finalists for 2007 SEED Awards

Authors: UNEP Source: UN News
Entrepreneurs promoting a range of businesses – from community-based tourism in Brazil to Vietnamese bringing medicinal plants to the international market – are among 10 finalists announced today by the head of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for a key sustainable development award. Read more